Frequently Asked Question
How to resolve Start Stop Power Play Foot Pedal Issues
Last Updated 9 years ago
HTH Engineering, Inc.
Tel: (866) 254-0714 Fax: (810) 821-6940
Start Stop PowerPlay for Video/DVD
Transcription System – Pedal Troubleshooting
A common issue with the Start Stop PowerPlay for Video/DVD Transcription system is that the foot pedal may become unresponsive. Though the pedal can develop issues, most of the time this is just a configuration or file loading issue.
By following the basic steps below, you can quickly resolve these issues before calling for Technical Support.
Check Video configuration:
Step 1: Load a Video/Audio file into the Start Stop PowerPlay software and allow it to completely load the file.
Step 2: On the Video window, Select the VIEW tab.
Step 3: Confirm the following Functions are checked:
Captions & Menu
Seek Bar
File Format/DVD
The format of the file or how the DVD was created could also cause a pedal not to function correctly. A “Codec” is a file that tells Windows how to play a specific file format.
Step 1: If the file is on a DVD, load the file by selecting “File” “Open” – then navigate to the DVD Drive, open the Video_TS folder and open the largest .VOB file format in this folder. Basically, this is the complete video and will play the complete file.
Step 2: If this doesn’t resolve the issue, it’s recommended to convert the file using Handbrake. Handbrake is conversion software meant distinctly for DVD files.
The software is free of charge and can be downloaded at:
Figure 4 - Handbrake Download web site
Figure 5 - Handbrake DVD conversion software
If the file is not a DVD format (i.e. MP4, WMV, MOV etc.) you may be missing the codec or an updated codec.
Please contact Technical Support for more information regarding Codecs or about the previous instructions.
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Tel: (866) 254-0714 Fax: (810) 821-6940