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First name: Last name: 1. How would you rate the quality of the service?Very High Quality
High Quality
Very Low
2. How well does our services meet your needs? Extremely Well
Very Well
Not Well
Not well at all
3. How responsive have we been to your questions or concerns about our services?Extremely responsive
Very responsive
Not responsive
Not responsive at all
4. How helpful was the staff? Extremely helpful
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not so helpful
Not at all helpful
5. How friendly was the staff? Extremely friendly
Very friendly
Somewhat friendly
Not so friendly
Not at all friendly
6. How do you rate the technician that assisted you with your technical support issue? Very Satisfied
Very unsatisfied]
Other (please specify)
7. Would you recommend our company to your coworkers and friends?Yes
other (please specify)
8. Do you have any other comments1 questions1 or concerns?
Email Address:
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